
September 22nd, 2020

We may not be able to do a Primary Chapel together, but we can worship! I have to admit that I shed a few tears as I worshipped with the kids this morning. I have missed corporate worship so much. I thought you might like to see a small clip of your kids worshipping. It is a delight to be a part of.

Breaking News!

September 22nd, 2020

Sorry about the change, but I just received news that the parent meeting scheduled for tonight is now changed to Thursday! Stay tuned as an email from the office will confirm and send you a link.

Drop Off

September 22nd, 2020

Now that we are into our third week of school and students are more comfortable in the building, Administration is asking that parents drop their children off at the front door and allow them to come into the building independently to reduce the number of adults in the building. Thank you so much for your support in this! I know it is hard to let them go, but they are doing great!

Parent Night

September 22nd, 2020

Just a reminder that there is a virtual parent night tonight at 6:30pm. A link should be sent out today! I hope to see you there!


September 21st, 2020

Our theme for September is apples and we have been reading apple stories, eating our apple snack and doing apple Art. Here are two pictures of our Art so far!

Toonies for Terry

September 21st, 2020

Thank you for the toonies that came in today! Don’t forget it’s Terry Fox week!

Apple Sauce

September 18th, 2020

Apples is our theme for the month of September. I would generally make applesauce with the kids, but due to covid restrictions I am not allowed. A little creativity is required to by – pass the craziness! The applesauce was loved by most!

Toonies for Terry

September 18th, 2020

On Wednesday, September 23rd, we will be doing our Terry Fox run. We will be collecting toonies for cancer research on Monday-Wednesday. I will have a jar on my desk for any Toonies that come in!


September 18th, 2020

With rain in the forecast, please send your student to school with a rain coat and boots if they like puddles! We will be meeting you outside even in the rain so we need to be prepared!

Cloth Masks

September 18th, 2020

My lovely neighbour came to my door with 20 cloth masks for children. I am not anticipating a time when Grade 1s need to wear a mask in class. If you have any need for a cloth mask for your child for other activities outside the home, feel free to send me an email. I would love to see them go to good use!